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'we are  what we have been looking for'

Immersion with Sahaj & Satya

11-12-13 July


 SIMONE'S GOMPA at Ouderkerk aan de Amstel ~ Netherlands ~


We are looking forward to welcome you to this intimate immersion weekend with Sahaj and Satya sharing in presence together at Simone's Gompa. The Gompa is on the land of the old rebuilt farmhouse of her family,  in nature next to the city, in communion and harmony.  We are welcoming newcomers, this immersion for everybody, from everywhere, it is an invitation to meet, reconnect and immerse together in Living Awake fields of "here-now".


Sahaj & Satya are sharing from the living nectar of pure awareness the essential direct pointers to reconnect and remember our true nature, accessible to all that are searching and are ready to move from  limited contracted self identity towards the unlimited spaciousness reality of being,  the 'true" Self that is nobody and everything.


In this weekend we will explore "self remembering" that what we seemly feel we have forgotten, the very essence of life running through all of existence, that what seems far but is more than near, that when is remember life seems a like a miracle, and more than that we are the very miracle of life.


Lets meet In truth, simplicity and love,  we all can enjoy true freedom, true happiness and true peace this life when we are fully open to life as it is.


"Look within and look out too

You will not find a separation


Out there you see appearance

Within you see origination"


Lao Tzu

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Sahaj Kevin

Sahaj is a dedicated yoga practitioner who has been studying and practicing yoga for 30 years. His approach to teaching is eclectic and draws from many different methods and teachings to help students align their lives towards awakening. His focus is to offer the right method for the individual according to their needs and aspirations.

At a young age, Kevin Sahaj was a martial artist. He then had a spontaneous awakening experience from which an urgency to the search for the truth was born.

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Satya Katiza

Satya is a yogini in heart and soul, her life has been driven by searching for Truth from a young age after a close encounter with death when she was 13 years old.  When returning to her physical body she had with her the indestructible taste of no fear. After that, she consciously made life and impermanence of life her research field, with no fear she moved into all different realities, and with great curiosity to meet in the real presence the presence of others human beings with the same ground of knowing “ we all are limitless and timeless”.


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15:30 Darshan

16:30 tea time

17:30 to 18:30 Meditation



10:30 to 12:30 "self remembering" explorations

12:30 to 15:00 lunch and walks

15:00 to 16:00 Darshan

16:00 tea time

17:00 to 18:00 Meditation


260 €
organized by Simone Ruiter & Ira Hardjosusono
Registration please send an email to:

I am from a dimension
where the inside is the outside & the outside is the inside
where everything is empty and full
where silence has hears

where the darkness is light
where I am & I am not simultaneously appears and disappears 

where absence is presence

and presence is absence
where stillness is time & time is stillness

where you and me are not
only Is-ness Is
Where no-thing is here and all is Here



 Summer of 2023 Living Awareness Foundation was born

to support humankind's awakening.

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